Tuesday, November 9, 2010

University of Hawaii's Final Report on Hawaii's Environmental Review System

Pursuant to Act 1, Session Laws of Hawaii 2008, University of Hawaii researchers prepared a report for the Hawaii State Legislature on Hawaii’s environmental review system. A copy of the document is available at http://goo.gl/yURmK.

The study focuses on five areas of concern within the system: (1) applicability, (2) governance, (3) participation, (4) content and, (5) process, and describes identified issues and specific recommendations for addressing them. The 390 page document proposes drastic changes to Hawaii's environmental review laws, particularly HRS chapter 343, Hawaii's environmental impact statement law.

For previous blog entries on this study, see:
It is anticipated that recommendations from this study will be included in proposed bills submitted to the legislature for its consideration.  The opening day of Hawaii's Legislature is held on the third Wednesday in January; i.e., January 19, 2011.

For more on environmental laws, see Environmental Law.

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