Friday, November 5, 2010

Natural Resources Section's November Brown Bag Lunch Meeting: An Overview of Important Ag. Land

The Natural Resources Section of the Hawaii State Bar Association will host guest speaker Thomas S. Witten, President of PBR Hawaii & Associates, Inc., who will present:  “An Overview of Important Ag. Land.”

Important agricultural lands ("IAL") legislation is codified under HRS §§ 205-41, et. seq, and proposed rule changes to implement IAL are found under HAR chapter 15-15.  The objective of IAL legislation is to "identify and plan for the maintenance of a strategic agricultural land resource base that can support a diversity of agricultural activities and opportunities that expand agricultural income and job opportunities and increase agricultural self-sufficiency for current and future generations."  HRS § 205-42.  In order to promote IAL, the statute also provides for certain landowner incentives.  Id.

Here are some articles written about IAL policy and implementation:
NRS will hold its meeting on Tuesday, November 16, 2010, from noon to 1:00 p.m. at the HSBA conference room (located on the 10th floor of Alakea Corporate Tower, 1100 Alakea Street).

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