Thursday, March 27, 2008

Waves Making Energy for Maui County

The Renewable Energy Development blog reports that an Australian company plans to develop renewable energy from wave action off the coast of Maui:

A recent announcement has confirmed that Oceanlinx Limited, an Australia-based high-tech company, will provide electricity to Maui Electric Company from Hawaii’s first wave energy project. The project aims to provide up to 2.7 megawatts using 3 Oceanlinx wave energy converters (WECs) that will be located about a kilometre due north of Pauwela Point on the northeast coast of Maui.

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[The project]. . . could be operational by the end of 2009. The cost, to be borne by Oceanlinx and its investors, is estimated at $20 million. Oceanlinx has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Renewable Hawaii, Inc., an unregulated subsidiary of Hawaiian Electric Company, for possible passive investment in the project.

See the full story tiled Wave Power Maui. Next, since the project is likely to be located in the state conservation district, a Conservation District Use Application (CDUA) Permit and environmental assessemnt will be prepared.

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