Thursday, March 27, 2008

New Commissioners Appointed to Kauai County Planning Commission

At the March 25, 2008 meeting of the Kauai County Planning Commission, Sandi Kato-Klutke stepped down from her six-year position as Commissioner, and the Commission swore in Herman Texeira (Labor) as its sixth Commissioner. The Commission will swear in its seventh member, Kurt Akamine (Business), at a latter date. The Kauai County Council confirmed both mayoral appointees at its March 12, 2008 meeting.

Under the Kauai County Charter, the Planning Commission consists of seven members from the public, who the Mayor appoints and the Council confirms. The makeup of the Commission must include two members who have knowledge of environmental concerns, two members who have knowledge of business concerns, and two members who have knowledge of labor concerns. Commissioners serve staggered three year terms and may not served two consecutive terms.

The Planning Commission meets twice a month to hold public hearings and act on land use entitlements including zoning applications, subdivision applications, and special management area permits.

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