Thursday, August 30, 2007

Maui's Workforce Affordable Housing Bill: Unconstitutional?

It finally happened, Maui's Workforce Affordable Housing Bill which requires as many as 50% of a project's units to be sold at below market prices is being challenged in federal court.

Issues to watch:

  • Will the court dismiss the case for failure of claimant to exhaust administrative remedies?
  • Will a facial takings challenge of the ordinance be successful in light of Lingle v. Chevron?
  • Will a court finally call a spade a spade and hold that impact fees are the same as in-lieu fees under HRS sec. 46-141, et seq. ; therefore, affordable housing in-lieu fees are are prohibited by state law?
  • If this ordinance is deemed unconstitutional, will similar measures in Hawaii County and Kauai County also be challenged?
Stay tuned.

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