Monday, March 8, 2010

Legislature to Hold Hearings on Environmental Reform Bill

The House Committees on Energy and Environmental Protection; Water, Land, and Ocean Resources; and Economic Revitalization, Business, and Military Affairs will hold a joint hearing regarding SB 2818, SD2 on Tuesday, March 9, 2010, 11:15 a.m., at Conference Room 325 in the State Capitol.

For more on SB 2818, SD2 see:
SB 2818, SD2 provides the most substantive rewrite of Hawaii's environmental impact statement laws since it was first adopted in 1974.  Many of the changes are in specific response to a handful of land use cases that have caught the media's attention including cases related to the Hawaii Superferry and the Turtle Bay Resort.

Update (03-09-2010): The committees recommended that the measure be deferred until 03-11-10 at 11:05am.

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