Monday, June 23, 2008

Kauai Mayor Bryan Baptiste Dies at 52

Sad news over the weekend, Kauai's Mayor Bryan Baptiste passed away while recuperating from heart bypass surgery.

Under the The Kauai County Charter, “the council shall select, by majority vote, one of its members as mayor to serve until the next general election and assumption of office in December by the person elected mayor.”

“[T]he remaining members of the council shall appoint a successor [to the vacated council seat] . . . to fill the vacancy for the unexpired term. If the council is unable to fill a vacancy within (30) days after its occurrence, the mayor shall make the appointment to such vacancy.”

Kauai's Councilmembers are:
  • Bill "Kaipo" Asing, Council Chair
  • Mel Rapozo, Council Vice Chair
  • Tim Bynum, Councilmember
  • Jay Furfaro, Councilmember
  • Shaylene Iseri-Carvalho, Councilmember
  • Ronald D. Kouchi, Councilmember
  • JoAnn A. Yukimura, Councilmember

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